
Age: 24
Bust: 75 C
Clothing: 36
Size: 157
Hairiness: Hairless
Nationality: Yugoslavia
Languages: little German, English

For an extra charge you get:
Aroma massage
Kiss with tongue
Undressing dance
Doctor games
Tender slave girl
Caviar active

Service (included):
Oral in the lady; Sperm on the body; Tender kisses; Sex with disabled people; Change of position; Cuddle sex; if desired, sex with suspenders and high heels; Multiple orgasm; Hand relaxation; Visit to the car, truck, van, caravan or motorway rest area / rest areas

About me:
In addition to sensual moments, I also offer entertaining undressing dances that loosen up the atmosphere and ignite passion. Let’s embark on a journey full of sensual experiences and share unforgettable hours of ecstasy together. At a meeting, we can also immerse ourselves in exciting doctor games and explore the limits of pleasure together. At the age of 24, I am ready to dive into the world of sex contacts and erotic adventures. As a passionate escort travel partner Lenni from Berlin, I not only have a sensual bust size of 75C and a seductive clothing size of 36, but also the ability to exchange caresses in the form of kisses with tongue.